Engineer battalions

Army: Support for dismantling

During the dismantling phase, the army also provided a certain number of military personnel. A total of 4 battalions (2 battalions in November and December 2002 and 2 battalions between February and June 2003) were involved in the dismantling phase.

These formations were deployed in particular for the dismantling of the facilities of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport DDPS on the Arteplage Murten-Morat in Meyriez, for the federal exhibition projects (shipyard on the Arteplage Murten-Morat and Palais de l'Equilibre on the Arteplage Neuchâtel), for the exhibition project Circuit of the Federal Office of Sport on the Arteplage Yverdon-les-Bains, as well as for various buildings for the benefit of the Expo.02 management.

Arteplage Neuchâtel 
Restaurant platforms, passerelles, jetty of the Arteplage Mobile du Jura, ...

Arteplage Yverdon-les-Bains
Dismantling of the pier extension, ...

The dismantling work on the genius formations took around 6'000 man-days.

Dismantling phase Expo.02

Genie battalions (November and December 2002) 
2 battalions
1'000 members of the Swiss Armed Forces (AdA)
2'500 man-days

Genie battalions (February to June 2003)
2 battalions
1'000 members of the Swiss Armed Forces (AdA)
3'500 man-days

Photos: © Archive Frédérique Mouchet