Dismantling phase

Dismantling Arteplage Biel-Bienne

On 21.10.2002, the first dismantling work began on the Arteplage Biel-Bienne.

General contractor
Bâtigroup Generalunternehmung AG, Basel (Forum)
Zschokke Entreprise Générale SA, Renens (Expopark)
HRS Hauser Rutishauser Suter AG, Kreuzlingen (all buildings on the platform and Strandboden - excl. exhibitions) www.hrs.ch
Expen AG (Marie-Pierre Walliser-Klunge, Ulrich Wüger), Nidau (infrastructure)

Direction Démontage Expo.02
Directeur Démontage: Marc Stucki

Team Arteplage Biel-Bienne Expo.02
Head of Arteplage: Jean-Pierre Weber
Construction managers: Stephan Kessler, Guido Keune

Photos: © Andreas Mosimann