On 21.10.2002, the first dismantling work began on the Arteplage Neuchâtel.
General contractor
Bâtigroup Generalunternehmung AG, Basel (Forum)
Zschokke Entreprise Générale SA (Nicolas Jeker, Dominique Langer, Claude Maranga, Carlo Meroni, Michel Mottet, Bernard Pidoux, Claude Reuille, Ekkehard Schimdhelm), Renens (Pebbles (Roofs) and Expopark)
Army (bridges and footbridges)
Halter AG, Zurich (bridges and footbridges) www.halter.ch
Expen SA (Marie-Pierre Walliser-Klunge, Ulrich Wüger), Nidau (infrastructure)
Direction Démontage Expo.02
Directeur Démontage: Marc Stucki
Team Arteplage Neuchâtel Expo.02
Head of Arteplage: René Spahr
Construction managers: Erdjan Opan, François Steinmann
Photos: © Claude Comte; © Simon Richard