Sandoz Fondation Hotels, Pully www.palafitte.ch
Maximum number of guests
One night without breakfast - per room (shore pavilion) CHF 700.00 (up to 3 people per room)
One night without breakfast - per room (lake pavilion) CHF 800.00 (up to 3 people per room)
On the occasion of Expo.02, the Sandoz Family Foundation built a 5-star hotel with 40 rooms on the lakeside near Neuchâtel. The hotel consists of pavilions, 24 pavilions stand on piles in the water with a direct drop into the lake, 16 further pavilions are built on the lakeshore.
The wooden elements for the construction of the hotel, designed by Lausanne architect Kurt Hoffmann, were developed in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. The staff is largely provided by the Lausanne Hotel Management School. State-of-the-art building services designed for sustainability have been implemented.
The hotel's original operating licence ran until autumn 2003, but the hotel's great popularity and innovative appeal encouraged the Sandoz Family Foundation to undertake the necessary changes to the building in accordance with regulations. The authorities subsequently issued the definitive operating licence.
Palafitte SA, Pully
Atelier d’architecture Kurt Hofmann Sàrl, Lausanne
Landscape architect
L’Atelier du Paysage, Lausanne www.latelierdupaysage.ch
Engineer for building physics
Basler & Hofmann AG, Zürich www.baslerhofmann.ch
Engineer for timber construction
Bois Consult Natterer SA, Etoy
Geotechnical engineer
De Cérenville Géotechnique SA, Ecublens www.decerenville.com
Engineer hydrogeologist / environment
Bernard Matthey, Montmollin
Map Géomatique SA, Auvernier www.mapgeo.ch
Siemens (Suisse) SA, Renens www.siemens.com
Coordination / technical planning
ETG Salzmann AG (New: IED Gruppe AG), Visp www.ied.swiss
Consultancy on lighting issues
Reflexion AG, Zürich www.reflexion.ch
Driven piles
Franz Murer AG, Beckenried
Geotechnical drilling
Tecfor SA. Collombey
Lake marking
CSA Blaise Zaugg (deleted), Boudry
Bricklaying / plastering, painting / tiling work
Construction Comina SA, St.Aubin
Timber construction
Baumann AG, Cudrefin www.baumann-charpentes.ch
Geiser Charpente SA, Tramelan www.gcsa.ch
Charpentes Vial SA, Le Mouret www.vialcharpentes.ch
Kurt Buck, Bremervorde-Mehedorf, Deutschland
Lifting equipment
Gyger Levage Sàrl, Porrentruy www.gygerlevage.ch
Underlay floors
Weiss+Appetito SA, Renens www.weissappetito.com
Heating / Sanitary
Cumax Nagel & Rossel SA, Neuchâtel
Supplier of sanitary installations
Sabag SA, Lausanne www.sabag.ch
Novelan AG, Dällikon
Electrical engineering
Vuilliomenet Electricité SA (New: Groupe E), Neuchâtel www.groupe-e.ch
Setimac SA (deleted), Neuchâtel
Roofing work / plumbing work
Ortlieb+Hirschy SA, Cortaillod www.oh-sa.ch
Cabinet making
Wider Waldimir Sàrl, Clarens www.wider-sa.ch
Siteco Bag AG, Belp www.siteco.de
Light wall
Nützi E. Söhne AG, Wolfwil www.nuetziag.ch
Optical fibre
Licht & Glasplanungs GmbH (New: LEDecolux AG), Hergiswil www.ledecolux.ch
Glass supplier
Kurth Glas & Spiegel AG, Zuchwil www.kurth-glas.ch
Decoration / Floor coverings
André Liechti Sàrl, Montreux www.liechtidecoration.ch
Decorative painting
Scen’Arte, Fontaines-Grandson
W. Luginbühl SA, Cornaux
Wrought iron work
Lewis Hofmann, La Sarraz
Exterior carpentry work
Papaux SA, Crissier
Automatic doors
Iffland Frères SA (New: Tormax Ifflans SA), Epalinges www.tormaxiffland.ch
Professional kitchen
Rochat SA, Cernier
Refrigeration systems
New Frigotech SA, Le Landeron www.frigotech.ch
Griesser SA, Lausanne www.griesser.ch
OTIS SA, Lausanne
Lift for the disabled
BACO AG (deleted), Steffisburg
Lightning conductor
Hofmann Frères Sàrl, Oron-la-Ville
Fire protection
Siemens Building Technologies SA, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne www.siemens.com
Outdoor facilities (consortium)
Bannwart-Les mains vertes, St-Blaise
Ludi Clôtures SA, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane www.ludiclotures.ch
Nautical accessories
Cachelin Frédéric SA (deleted), Neuchâtel
Alarm system
Securicom, Lausanne
Cleaning of the lake
Oceane Plongée, Neuchâtel www.oceane.ch
Photos: © Sigrid Ostermeyer