Swept off one's feet

Le premier regard

There are looks that we forget and gestures that do not touch us. But there are also those that enchant us, that make an encounter unforgettable. The exhibition Le premier regard lures us on a sensual journey of discovery with the secret of approach and seduction through body language. And suddenly they flutter again, the butterflies in your stomach.

What actually happens in these sensual moments that we would like to immortalise? Through all our senses, our body sends out sometimes unconscious messages from the first eye contact. Did you know that the attraction of a particular person's body odours is partly genetically determined? Le premier regard tells us this language common to humans and animals

Butterflies in the stomach

The journey into the realm of the senses begins with two seemingly identical gazes projected onto screens at the entrance to the exhibition. Visitors choose one of the two parallel paths, which are separated by a kind of membrane. By means of sound, light, image and smell, they are led on a journey of discovery of the physical language of love. Sensual perception of the other, without physical touch. If that doesn't raise expectations, fantasies. Until you find yourself face to face at the end of the path, and imagination and desire meet reality.

Love by advertisement?

A love story sometimes begins with an advertisement. These witty, poetic, ironic little texts fascinate and seduce us. The exhibition Le premier regard is dedicated to body language, while in the pavilion where it takes place, words come into play: thousands of advertisements paper the outer shell of the building. Its outlines are reminiscent of the sensual forms of the human body. The advertisements come partly from an advertising agency and partly from anonymous authors who took part in a competition.

Safer sex

The Federal Office of Public Health and the Swiss AIDS Federation were seduced by this exhibition; their STOP AIDS campaign joined the project. Because: A first eye contact can lead to a sexual encounter, and it should not turn off the prevention reflexes.


Visitor capacity per day

Total visitors

Federal Office of Public Health
Swiss AIDS Federation

in collaboration with:
Béatrice Pellegrini
Luca Deon
Maurici Farré

Scientific author
Isabelle Werner, Epalinges

Claire Peverelli, Geneva www.clairepeverelli.ch

Photography and video
Olivier Christinat, Lausanne www.olivierchristinat.com

Film (eyes)
Intermezzo Film, Geneva www.intermezzofilms.ch 

Sound design
Andrea Valvini, Geneva

Animated film
Séverine Leibundgut, Lausanne

Mix et Remix (Philippe Becquelin), Lausanne

Frank Hyde-Antwi, Zurich www.twiddlethumbs.net

Sound recordings (animals)
Jean-Paul Augsburger, Lausanne

Céline Bolomey, Geneva
Jean-Louis Johannides, Geneva

PixelPark AG (new: Digitas Pixelpark AG) (Jan Löken, Ralph Bremenkamp, Charlotte Kellermann, Marcus Schröger) Berlin, Germany www.digitaspixelpark.com 

Project management
PixelPark AG (new: Digitas Pixelpark AG) (Wolfgang Schneider, Christian Vogel), Berlin; Germany www.digitaspixelpark.com 

General Contractors
Nüssli Special Events AG, Hüttwilen www.nussli.com
Aroma Productions AG, Zürich www.aroma.ch

Project management Expo.02
Sandro Rosselet
Markus Röthlisberger

Coaching Expo.02
Sergio Cavero (Head)
Anic Zanzi

Chantal Allemand, Ariane Allgöwer, Olivier Amrein, Roman Benninger, Nicole Boegli, Jehanne Carnal, Marie Madeleine Collet, Julia Dias, Patrick Dorsaz, Laure Favre, Simone Frischknecht, Mélita Goufas, Jérôme Grand, Julien Grobet, Nicolas Grosset, Regula Guyer, Suzanne Haziot, Christian Heiniger, Aurore Jecker, David Joliquin, Anita Lovasz, Elodie Magnin Collet, Guy Metrailler, Nicolas Michel, Patricia Pache, Laure Pasquier, Sabine Ramseier-Allemand, Stéphanie Reymond, André Riggenbach, Sven Nelson Ruffiner, Marie Schaer, Benedikt Schläppi, Eric Schmit, Ursula Schweingruber, Alexandre Seydoux, Mathieu Simonin, Christophe Spitz, Timothée Tosti, Ursula Veglia Schweingruber, Catherine Vifian, Fabienne Vuilleumier

Photos: © Jürg Frei; © Nüssli (Schweiz) AG, Hüttwilen www.nussli.com; Press kit Le premier regard