During the day, the Scène des Galets is filled with humour and theatre spectacles. Gestures take over the role of language, all performances are without words.
The Scène des Galets is located under the Galet roof, the audience area is partially uncovered.
500 standing places - open air
Head of Events Arteplage Neuchâtel
Ralph Ammann (Responsable Events)
Elina Leimgruber Salo (Responsable Production)
Rémy Beuchat (Responsable Technique)
Fabrice Laluc (Site Coordinator)
Bruno Soulie (Coordinateur Technique)
Monica Brunner (Responsable Administrative)
Marc Magnin (Coordinateur Gastronomie, Logistique et Logement)
Programme planning - Scène des Galets
Anne-Dominique Chevalley (Programmatrice des projets humour)
Team Events - Scène des Galets
Robert Luisier (Régisseur Général)
Photos: © Claude Zingg; © Philipp Zanatta, © Archive Ralph Ammann; are still missing - send us yours! expo.02(at)ex-expo.ch