The Théâtre des Roseaux is mainly dedicated to dance and theatre performances. Artemisia is performed here. The play is about taboos, prohibitions and their transgressions. The dramaturgically rich theatre production by Denis Rabaglia tells the story of the mythical brew absinthe from the Val-de-Travers. dintjan is also on show here: a production by choreographers Philippe Saire and Guilherme Botelho, intended as an invitation to discover contemporary dance. The dance companies Philippe Saire and Alias perform the works La Haine de la Musique and L'odeur du voisin in weekly rotation.
Conceived as black boxes, the Théâtre des Roseaux and Cargo differ in their size, the layout and the colour of their panelling: golden like a jewel at the Théâtre des Roseaux. The brass grilles attached to wooden slats created a moiré effect when exposed to light.
500 seats
Theatre equipment
Géza Vadas (technical advisor)
Head of Events Arteplage Neuchâtel
Ralph Ammann (Responsable Events)
Elina Leimgruber Salo (Responsable Production)
Rémy Beuchat (Responsable Technique)
Fabrice Laluc (Site Coordinator)
Bruno Soulie (Coordinateur Technique)
Monica Brunner (Responsable Administrative)
Marc Magnin (Coordinateur Gastronomie, Logistique et Logement)
Team Events - Théâtre des Roseaux
Marc Tuleu (Régisseur Général)
Laurent Schmid (Régisseur Général)
Carryl Montini (Régisseur Son)
Georges Bartholot (Régisseur Lumière)
Photos: © Lucas Keel; are still missing - send us yours! expo.02(at)