
Expo.TV was a joint production of the three regional television stations broadcasting in the Expo.02 area, TeleBielingue (Biel), Canal Alpha (Neuchâtel) and Canal Nord Vaudois (Yverdon-les-Bains), with TeleBielingue AG being appointed as general contractor by the other two television stations. The magazine was produced on the occasion of Expo.02 from 15.05.2002 to 31.10.2002 in German, French and Italian and was made available for broadcast free of charge to all Swiss regional television stations. The cooperation of the three television stations consisted of the individual television stations supplying reports, short films, portraits, etc. from the arteplages located in their region, while the final editing of the programmes as well as the studio moderation was realised centrally at TeleBielingue in Biel.

Claudia Nuara (French)
Daniel Lüthi (German)
Christian Romelli (Italian)

Team TeleBielingue
Dominique Antenen, Michael Blumenthal, Markus Böni, Miguel Garvia, Micha Gerber, Matthias Hänni, Daniel Maron, Rahel Mösch, Karin Rickenbacher, Markus Schwab, Michael Siegenthaler, Sabine Steiner, Joachim Tillessen

Team Canal Alpha
Jérôme Barbier, Lionel Bourqui, Philippe Calame, Marcello Del Zio, Miroslav Mares, Nicolas Meyer, Joël Pelet

Team Canal Nord Vaudois
Arnaud Briotet, Michel Brouard, Jean-Fernand Daniel, Yann Dénervaud, Emmanuel Strohm. Pierre-Alain Tschannen, Jean-Claude Truan, Jost von Reding
